Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Beginning of the End

It was only 8 weeks ago that we watched Iowa propel Barack Obama into the status of front runner for the Democratic Presidential nomination. How far we have come...It will now be a long 7 weeks till we get to the next big primary in Pennsylvania (or, as someone once said "Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with Alabama in between).

Last night was disheartening to say the least. We watched an experienced political team mount an incredible comeback against the fresh face of the party. It came with a well placed ad that kept the pundits buzzing for days. It also came with a former supporter entering a serious criminal trial. When fighting history while trying to stay above the fray Obama was placed in a tough position.

Where the race goes from here is any one's guess. I believe that we are looking at the end of what should have been a very promising year for the democratic party. Instead we are now faced with the prospect of Obama and Clinton tearing each other down, possibly till the convention in August, while McCain and Bush sit back and enjoy the show. Whoever wins the nomination is going to come out facing a rested and ready Republican machine and what should have been a landslide in November now looks like a repeat of 2000.

As I stood in line to caucus last night I had a sinking feeling that things were not going to turn out well. I didn't imagine walking home, turning on the television, and seeing Obama down almost 20 points in Ohio at one point. It made me feel tired. I'm tired of Clintons and Bushs running the country. I'm tired of watching every policy matter tied down in partisan bullshit. It is time the country gave itself something to feel good about.

Isn't Obama the realization of the American Dream (if it still exists)? I know the guy isn't perfect. I know he will probably fuck up on a couple of things and I will probably be pissed at him at least a dozen times during his first year in office. But unlike any candidate we have seen in a long time he has an ability to motivate and lead that we have not seen in a long time. Fuck, my 65 year old dad made his first political contribution this year. Isn't that saying something?

As I said, I have no idea where the race is going from here, but I don't see it ending well. Call me a cynic (and I am) but the idea of watching this primary dragged out another 3-5 months makes me want to go hangout with Sawyer and Hurley for a while.


Maulana Dan Monday said...

nicely said...

Danny said...

It's only a matter of time before someone drops a rock on Hurley and kills him...