Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It is time to move forward...

With a 10 game winning streak under his belt, Obama is in the driver's seat for the nomination. Unfortunately, the Clinton's are not going to let this fight go that easily. I don't see her backing down till every state has voted and every delegate pledged. It is the Clinton way. However this post from MSNBC offers an interesting tidbit into the managing styles of both candidates and indicator of the type of leader they will be in office.
*** It’s the campaign, stupid…: Time and again, we hear anecdotes of how the Obama campaign has more staff here or more money there. This, of course, was a luxury Obama had versus Clinton. The Obama campaign knew they weren't going to win quickly, and so they prepared for the long campaign -- the delegate fight. The Clinton campaign has been surprisingly unprepared for the long haul. Remember when Clinton herself said the contest would be over February 5? This is the only way to explain the consistent caucus beat-down they take and the lack of preparation for Wisconsin. It's the Obama campaign that's doing the little things tactically. At some point, one has to wonder if Obama will start using the organizational success he's had in this campaign as a talking point about his own preparation to run the White House. After all, this is the largest organization either Clinton or Obama has run.

With all the talk of experience and able to lead from day one, shouldn't we be taking a closer look at the organization of each candidate's campaign. Obama has left no stone underturned, built a 50 state campaign, and established a disciplined and loyal staff. Clinton has appeared to do the opposite. Her staff was too afraid to warn her that finances were low after Iowa. Apparently no one had bothered to look at how the Texas primary actually worked before the candidate wasted 3 days touring the Valley. She is losing because Obama is out campaigning her (you know, the way people get elected?). Her campaign can continue to spin anyway they want but the bottom line is they are getting their asses kicked and don't know how to stop it other than to start throwing mud.

These are key indicators of the type of president we can expect. Do you want to elect someone who is surrounded with smart, detail oriented people? Or do we want the candidate who manages by the motto of "don't fuck up?"

Even better is that McCain seems to be headed towards the same strategy as Clinton and attacking Obama on his experience. I'm not sure how else they can spin it, but up till now that attack has not stuck with voters. Perhaps McCain should look to change course before it is too late. If I were him I would start building a 50 state campaign and not leave any stone unturned.

UPDATE: It is also a bad sign when you start to throw your daughter under the bus, by saying her work is meaningless. Way to go mom and dad!


Homer said...


Danny said...

But, but...