Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bloggers vs MSM

So, I'm catching up on events of the world from the past couple of weeks and came across the Costas Now segment with Buzz Bissinger and Will Leitch. Let me begin by saying that Bissinger is one of my favorite writers...Friday Night Lights is one of the most brilliant sports books I have ever read, but in this situation I am completely turned off by him. From the very beginning you can feel the tension on the set (it does not help that Costas hates blogs as well)...his body language and facial expressions give off an absolute disdain for the person sitting next to him, and it is not Braylon Edwards--speaking of Edwards who did he end up on this segment. Why not get an athlete for actually blogs and get a view point that straddles both view points?

This debate between blogs and MSM, especially in sports, is completely fruitless. They are two completely different beasts. Blogs are not a replacement for the news I get from ESPN, WaPo, or is supplement. Just like Andrew Sullivan and Daily Kos don't replace the NewsHour or NY Times. Why all of the hostility? To keep pointing to the fringe blogs (such as this one) as why blogs are awful is wrong on a couple of levels. 1) No one reads this blog outside of 7 people, so if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?; 2) we are simply putting out our opinions, which we are allowed to do, and if no one wants to read it (which they don't) then they won't read it (hence a readership of 7); 3) you are minimizing the great writing that happens on other blogs such as Deadspin and DC Sport Bog; 4) you are doing an even greater disservice to the profession of sports writing by playing the schoolyard bully role.

So Buzz, chill out! Everything will be okay. Take comfort in the fact that the market for great sports writing is not going anywhere. You are not the last of a dying breed...I promise.

One more note...I thought Leitch did a great job considering this is about the same as going on O'Reilly, seriously Bussinger and Costas were completely dicks.

UPDATE: If you can't find the humor in KSK does that mean you don't have a sense of humor? Probably not, but it begs the question of whether you are taking yourself, and sports, too seriously.

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