Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hillary, please go away

Part I

I used to think that the "dream" ticket of Barack/Hillary was never going to happen. I used to give it 2% odds. But the longer this goes on, the more it creeps up. I'd say now we're at a solid 10%. Still unlikely, but too likely to make me nervous.

Part II

Hillary yesterday threatened to obliterate Iran if they attack Israel. Obviously, we would retaliate if that happened. But, as Helen of Troy studiously pointed out to me this morning (and correct me if I'm wrong INTA bloggers), the Middle East is largely about perception. And as I've learned from reading some Friedman, humiliation is one of the biggest things that keeps all the bad things in the world going. I think her saying that, and everything about her campaign, is very 20th century. There is only one candidate with the possibly to make this not just another four years.


Steven said...

this goes for all of you bastards- the next person to quote thomas "rollerblades" friedman on this blog gets a cunt punch.

And let me pose a counterfactual, without wading too deeply into the stinking mire of Israeli-Iranian relations: why should the U.S. automatically be expected to retalliate for an Iranian attack on Israel? Thats why Israel got these:

Maulana Dan Monday said...

Agreed, Stan. I am speaking as someone who wholeheartedly acknowledges Israels right to exist. However, why do we continue to mire ourselves in their fate and yet shun our NATO allies?!?!

"MMMM...That's a deliciously bitter defense pact you have there, Uncle Sam." guuuhhhhh...we're all fucking doomed