Thursday, May 29, 2008

welcome, dimwits- part II.

Its on now. Looks like someone kicked over the garbage can where the flat earthers and other idiots coexist peacefully alongside the pizza crusts, beer cans, tissues, and used condoms. Now they're spilling out across the pavement and boy are they pissed! Must be something serious...


Maybe you don't see. Well look closer. closer. OMFG RACHAEL RAY IS WEARING A KEFFIYEH!!!!! SHE IS A JIHADIST!!!!!

Oh man this is one train of logic where its just too good to pull the brake lever. Here's a story for you. If the ur-idiot is wearing one, and ceteris paribus she is a jihadist, so are most members of the U.S. special forces who have operated in Afghanistan. If they're jihadists, then we're fucked. In the words of Turkish, proper fucked.

This freedom-loathing meme has even found its way into toys! Idiot brigade, mount up! You've a jihad to do!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

hollywood, stfu

Everyone hold your applause. Like MacArthur's promise at Corregidor I return to this bitch. And true to form I'm going to blog about politics, but not about the presidential race. Soon you will get the Orlando Magic offseason preview/draft prospectus but right now I'm going to make some dipshit Hollywood types bite the curb.

One of my biggest pet peeves is someone who jams a political message down your throat from a position where they have no business doing this. I could digress into a long post on this subject a la the Vocation Lectures, but I wont. Thank me later. And though in my experience its mainly liberals who do this (think of your college professors), conservatives do it too. Its basically a false pretenses argument- you have to go to class to learn about history, but your professor takes the opportunity to give a captive audience their political views. More egregious is the entertainment industry. You sit down to watch a movie, and you have to put up with a caricatured, stilted view of reality that reflects the political and ideological predilections of its creator(s).

At bottom this is about vanity- people become so convinced of their own importance (because they make good movies) that they feel the need to use this newfound authority to "speak out." To take a particularly pitiful example, think of Robert Redford. The man knows his way around a film. But when he moves over into the producer or director's chair because hes got some societal or political ill he wants to address, very quickly he finds out that the audience generally doesn't share his view of the world. This is America, we want to see car crashes, shoot-outs, explosions, tits, and shiny things (not necessarily in that order). We dont want to have to sit through two hours of hectoring and brow-beating by some narcissistic, solipsistic ass. Fuck.

Which brings me to what started this whole bitch session. Last night I watched The Andromeda Strain on A&E. Not that one, this one. I was pumped because dudes generally like movies about infections, but man was this one bad. The production values and all were ok, not great but ok. The CGI was shit, which was surprising for a project produced by Ridley Scott. There is also a painfully obvious 28 Days Later rip off, but you will have to sit through this mess to see that one. On the good side, one guy cuts his own head off with a chainsaw which was pretty rad.

But worst of all, the creators were so far up their own asses that they didnt see what a joke their project was becoming. They were so intent on creating a false (not to mention insultingly stupid) dichotomy between liberals=good/conservatives=bad that they fucked up a very promising project. Look. You've got an organism that kills within seconds. Its bad enough. You dont need to puff it up with bullshit subplots about government malfeasance, enviromental degredation and destruction, and corporate 'ner do welling. The novel was so good because everything political was ultra subtle and very ambiguous. In this miniseries, it was about as subtle as kick to the tailbone.

In the first half an hour they trotted out these predictable and trite cliches:

1. A Republican Administration is in charge. Why bother with actually doing any of the heavy lifting of writing, character development, etc... when you can just use your sure shorthand for incompetence and evil?

2. The sinister defense secretary is a conscious mix of Rumsfeld and Cheney. The perfect villian willing to do everything necessary to protect Andromeda, even lie to the President. There are scattered references to other biological disasters, e.g. "you remember Houston, don't you?" that apparently occurred under his stewardship. Thanks for spelling that out. We now know that he is a win-at-all-costs, bottom line type of guy with extreme, unchecked power and no conscience.

3. The NSA is recording everyone's phone conversations, tracking people down, and executing them. The idea of a rouge intelligence agency secretly controlling everything? Well, at least no one can say you're not original.

4. The President is currently trying to drill for minerals near undersea vents over the objections of environmentalists. Also, the company that is doing the drilling has some financial relationship with the president. I don't remember the exact name of the company (it was on screen for about 3 seconds) but i do remember it rhymed with Halliburton. Seriously.

5. The microbiology team assembled to combat the virus. In the book, it was all white men. OK, it was 1969, perhaps thats a little dated, if reflective of the time. But in 2007 the team is comfortably multicultural/multiracial/gender inclusive- a Hispanic man, a white woman, an Asian man, a black woman, and a gay white man (which actually is an interesting riff on the Odd Man Hypothesis). It looked like a goddamn Volkswagen commercial.

Keep in mind, all this occurred in the FIRST HALF HOUR of a four-hour miniseries. As it goes on you can see some more. Look, someone has to be the bad guy and, given how they've run the country into the ground over the past 8 years it might as well be the Republicans. But having this constantly and crudely shoved down your throat really ruins what could have been a really interesting remake.

The price is wrong, bitch.

So the Post today has an article about former White House Press Secretary Scott McLellan's recently released memoirs that lambaste Bush for manipulating the public to justify an unnecessary war in Iraq. I'm going to skip the "no shit, Sherlock" part of the blog (since this is kind of like a weather man telling me rain is wet) and go off on a tangent about people treating their so-called moral high ground as a stock that you sell when the price is highest.

So McLellan supposedly observes and mentally registers all of these perverse political machinations that the Bush administration underwent to justify the White House's war and cover their asses over the Valerie Plame debaucle. But he doesn't say or do shit about it while he is in the institution; he keeps his mouth shut (which, ironically, seems to be the best skill of a White House Press Secretary). He gets his cred, retires in a teary-eyed ceremony on the South Lawn, and becomes a civilian again. Then the tide turns and criticisms of the administration are no longer just left wing rhetoric but a widespread discontent that reaches across the aisles of the Capitol. And low and behold, look who has a memoir talking about how sly and manipulative the Bush administration really is.

I'm not saying McLellan could have singlehandedly whistleblown all of the bullshit that was going on. I understand that hindsight is 20/20, and that as Press Secretary you're in a delicate position to criticize. But if you just sit on these observations until the time is right to make a buck and look like a guy who wasn't part of the problem, you're pretty much a smelly sack of shit. If you didn't think this was important enough to act on at the time it was happening, why do you suddenly feel the need to write memoirs that exposes everything now? Because you've made the tough but correct decision of revealing the truth? Bullshit, because you can cash in on it.

As much as I respect the man, Alan Greenspan did the same thing this last year when he released The Age of Turbulence and handed Bush's ass to him on how his fiscal conservatism was anything but. Chairman of the Fed is widely known to be the most powerful man in the world; something tells me Greenspan could have made a stronger play than sitting on his wrinkled old hands until the time came to retire and he needed some juicy material for his new book. I think Colin Powell, to a lesser extent, did the same thing. And anybody who has read "Confessions of An Economic Hitman" (sidestepping for a second the argument about its veracity) will see the same thing; a guy who spent an entire successful career harming poor nations in the name of development who manages to keep at it until he's made enough cash, at which point he turns his "lifelong moral dilemma" into a bestseller and goes to sleep on a bed of cash.

So in, fuck that.

Friday, May 16, 2008

$4 Oil. Go, go, go!

I didn't used to be a cynic. I had a roommate once who said he "hated people," but I couldn't believe it. How could he think that?

Fast forward ten years to the dregs of my late twenties. I have become a grumpy old man. Which brings us to my new favorite sport: rooting for the price of gas to hit $4.

Maybe there's a sort of bandwagon phenomenon here -- if everyone knows that one team is going to win, why not join? A gallon of gas is going to hit $4 whether I like it or not -- might as well root it on.

Now this might not be as funny if Helen and I didn't have too much money, or had long commutes, or two cars. We have one car that we don't drive that often. So while I notice the price of oil -- it used to take $19 to fill 'er up, now it takes $36 -- it doesn't really affect me. It's a pizza. No biggie.

But I love to watch people freak out about the price of oil. Most of those freaking out don't need to worry about anything -- the real people in a crunch are figuring out solutions: drive less, second job, no vacation. That sucks, no doubt.

All I'm saying is, we can dread the future, or we can embrace it. When they talk of Homer and $4 gas, they'll say, "He finally loved Big Brother."

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Obama: Christian.

Maybe it's the Muslim-rumor emails. Maybe it's the speeches. But no other Democrat could put out a mailer like this without getting laughed at. In fact, it'd be hard for a Republican to put something this overt out.

With Barack, it just seems so natural...

Monday, May 12, 2008

dudes on a plane

So Stan spent yesterday evening on a plane returning from a wedding in Florida. As you may know, there has been some pretty rough weather in the area. And last night we had to fly right through it. It was especially fun given the 44 oz. of beer I drank in the airport bar watching the last few holes of the Player's Championship.

But this time was a little hairier than most. Descending through the clouds and rain at about 5,000 feet a bolt of lightning struck the plane. Everything flashed red then there was a huge boom immediately following. It was startling, but not that scary really. You're flying a gigantic tube of metal through the middle of a thunderstorm. Its probably going to get hit by lighting, and you can expect that the designers foresaw this and made accommodations. I will panic if I hear "Folks, this is your Captain speaking. Look, uhm, light 'em up, 'cause we're going down, okay. I got a carton of Camels non-filters, I'll see you on the ground. Take it easy."

But some of Stan's fellow passengers promptly lost their shit. One lady immediately yelled out "FIRE!" (wtf?) A few others screamed, and the lady next to me was breathing like Rosie O'Donnell after the 100 yard dash. Then when we got on the ground everyone was thanking god we made it out alive.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dude Movie Reviews: Iron Man

Helen and I saw Iron Man last night. It was awesome. Really awesome. I would even venture to say the best Marvel Comics movie to date. Better than X-Men 2. Instead of the Spider-Man paradigm (let's have whiny teenagers argue) it revolves around the main character being awesome all the time...mixed in with conflicts over the root of his awesomeness. Another key point to its success is having Jon Faveau as its director...there's definitely a bit of Swingers in there -- which could have turned out obnoxiously, but it weaves in perfectly. Highly recommended.

We also saw The Forbidden Kingdom in the theater yesterday...decent; worth seeing if you happen upon it.

Also, per last night's previews, Infected fans might want to keep their eye on The Andromeda Strain coming out on television later this month...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bloggers vs MSM

So, I'm catching up on events of the world from the past couple of weeks and came across the Costas Now segment with Buzz Bissinger and Will Leitch. Let me begin by saying that Bissinger is one of my favorite writers...Friday Night Lights is one of the most brilliant sports books I have ever read, but in this situation I am completely turned off by him. From the very beginning you can feel the tension on the set (it does not help that Costas hates blogs as well)...his body language and facial expressions give off an absolute disdain for the person sitting next to him, and it is not Braylon Edwards--speaking of Edwards who did he end up on this segment. Why not get an athlete for actually blogs and get a view point that straddles both view points?

This debate between blogs and MSM, especially in sports, is completely fruitless. They are two completely different beasts. Blogs are not a replacement for the news I get from ESPN, WaPo, or is supplement. Just like Andrew Sullivan and Daily Kos don't replace the NewsHour or NY Times. Why all of the hostility? To keep pointing to the fringe blogs (such as this one) as why blogs are awful is wrong on a couple of levels. 1) No one reads this blog outside of 7 people, so if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?; 2) we are simply putting out our opinions, which we are allowed to do, and if no one wants to read it (which they don't) then they won't read it (hence a readership of 7); 3) you are minimizing the great writing that happens on other blogs such as Deadspin and DC Sport Bog; 4) you are doing an even greater disservice to the profession of sports writing by playing the schoolyard bully role.

So Buzz, chill out! Everything will be okay. Take comfort in the fact that the market for great sports writing is not going anywhere. You are not the last of a dying breed...I promise.

One more note...I thought Leitch did a great job considering this is about the same as going on O'Reilly, seriously Bussinger and Costas were completely dicks.

UPDATE: If you can't find the humor in KSK does that mean you don't have a sense of humor? Probably not, but it begs the question of whether you are taking yourself, and sports, too seriously.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Just so we are clear

I'm am winning the big, swing states that matter, uneducated whites who matter, and old women who matter.* That is why I'm still in this race.

*The majority of states don't matter, the popular vote doesn't matter, the number of delegates doesn't matter, energizing the democratic base of young people and blacks doesn't matter, etc.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Policy over Politics

Enough said...

two severely broken cankles

so Hillary, you like symbolism? So I guess if the filly in the derby breaks down and has to be put out of her misery after losing to Big Brown, then that means...

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Infected and Finals

While on the plane last night I was trying to think of a good way to describe the overwhelmed feeling that I have at the moment trying to get through finals and work and other life commitments. Basically I have one more week and then it will be all over but next Friday afternoon feels like it is a year away.

Anyway, the first scenario that came into my head was a comparison between my current state and running from the infected. In an odd way it kind of makes sense. If you were actually running from the infected no doubt you would be scared shitless trying to think 5 steps ahead of a way to get out of the situation and the entire time you know that the end is near (good or bad). Obviously, I don't have the same literal feelings as if I were being chased by the infected but it is the closest I could think of...

Heard on Dude Weekend

"When I find myself laughing at How I Met Your Mother, I worry that I'm losing my cynical edge."

Stan Wolansky, 2007

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.

File this one under good in theory... Ron Paul compounds. "The goal of it [sic] to establish gated communities containing 100% Ron Paul supporters and or people that live by the ideals of freedom and liberty."

How long until this becomes the adult version of Lord of the Flies?

"Oh shit, help! my house is on fire!"
"Sorry Stan, you decided not to pay the fire department tax."

via triumph of bullshit