Maybe you don't see. Well look closer. closer. OMFG RACHAEL RAY IS WEARING A KEFFIYEH!!!!! SHE IS A JIHADIST!!!!!
Maybe you don't see. Well look closer. closer. OMFG RACHAEL RAY IS WEARING A KEFFIYEH!!!!! SHE IS A JIHADIST!!!!!
Oh man this is one train of logic where its just too good to pull the brake lever. Here's a story for you. If the ur-idiot is wearing one, and ceteris paribus she is a jihadist, so are most members of the U.S. special forces who have operated in Afghanistan. If they're jihadists, then we're fucked. In the words of Turkish, proper fucked.
I'm pretty sure I owned, like, 10 fucking G.I. Joes growing up that had this as part of their clothing (Dusty, anyone?). If anything, people that don't wear them are possibly members of Cobra.
i think you have brought to light the much more serious problem of the infiltration of islams into our special forces
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