Thursday, May 29, 2008

welcome, dimwits- part II.

Its on now. Looks like someone kicked over the garbage can where the flat earthers and other idiots coexist peacefully alongside the pizza crusts, beer cans, tissues, and used condoms. Now they're spilling out across the pavement and boy are they pissed! Must be something serious...


Maybe you don't see. Well look closer. closer. OMFG RACHAEL RAY IS WEARING A KEFFIYEH!!!!! SHE IS A JIHADIST!!!!!

Oh man this is one train of logic where its just too good to pull the brake lever. Here's a story for you. If the ur-idiot is wearing one, and ceteris paribus she is a jihadist, so are most members of the U.S. special forces who have operated in Afghanistan. If they're jihadists, then we're fucked. In the words of Turkish, proper fucked.

This freedom-loathing meme has even found its way into toys! Idiot brigade, mount up! You've a jihad to do!


MattXBF said...

I'm pretty sure I owned, like, 10 fucking G.I. Joes growing up that had this as part of their clothing (Dusty, anyone?). If anything, people that don't wear them are possibly members of Cobra.

Danny said...

i think you have brought to light the much more serious problem of the infiltration of islams into our special forces