Monday, March 10, 2008

delegate and popular vote lead...u haz?

Alright. Im sorry to bump Ratticus's two excellent posts with more boring crap about politics, but this shit needs to be said. Remember a few days ago when the Clinton campaign floated the idea of a joint Clinton-Obama ticket? Now they are shocked, shocked that this idea was considered. Clinton staffer and marble-gargler extrordinaire Howard Wolfson today says “We do not believe at this point that Sen. Obama has passed that key commander-in-chief test” that Clinton would require for a veep. WTF is going on here? Hey Howie, here are some numbers for you:

Pledged delegates (Obama +155)
Obama= 1378
Clinton= 1223

Total delegates (Obama +120)
Obama= 1588
Clinton= 1468

This one is also somewhat important:

Total votes (Obama +603,687)*
Obama= 13,025,003
Clinton= 12,421,316
*Iowa, Nevada, Washington & Maine Have Not Released Popular Vote Totals

Given Obama's insurmountable lead in delegates, and likely in popular votes as well, where do the Clintons get off trying to position Obama as the veep? As one of the reliably hysterical New York tabloids said, Clinton is trying to sell a house she doesn't own.

1 comment:

Danny said...

I come for the political commentary but I stay for the schadenfreude